Friday, August 7, 2009

Crunch Time

Crunch Time is a puzzle game created by developer Tandem games as freeware available in the downloadable content. If you see a glimpse Crunch Time no more than a bejeweled style puzzle game or the like, but that just makes this game unique is that the themes and settings used in its gameplay.

Exterminate Alien Virus in ...MMO !
Crunch Time focuses on the story to flow in its gameplay, this game settings depict a company's number one game world called Futuracorp. Futuracorp are creating an epic MMO game, but would release a proper game, the Game Alien Futuracorp attacked by a virus harmful to program data in its game. Gamer as Pixel and Vega which eradicate the virus, and re memprogram data Futuracorp corrupt so that the game can be successfully released to the public. We may think, this is the story of the incompetent to a puzzle game, but even here, He is unique.

Level available in Crunch Time is not seen directly, even gamers are given a variety of scenes stories that show action Pixel and Vega in the defeat of the alien virus, the gameplay will be completed after the gamer achieved "Ending" of the story presented.
Another interesting element of Crunch Time is a lot of its humor and parody MMO stories that appear in it. Crunch Time is a bewejeled the other side with a unique and interesting for a puzzle game, to download it just click here

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