Monday, October 5, 2009

Magna Carta II Game RPG from Korea

Game RPG from Korea who attended the exclusive to X360

Sofmax, game developers from Korea in 2005 who then never released Magna Carta: Tears of Blood for PS2, now after 4 years of his long, drawn-it was the sequel to the Magna Carta 2 will be released for the X360. Magna Carta of the world game at 2 in the form of 3D display is created using the unreal engine 3, in which his character designs created by Hyung-Tae Jim. Magna Carta 2 story is not directly related to its prequel and located in the continent is going Lanzheim civil war. His main character, Juto will fight with his friends in the form of adventure and uncover the fate that they must deal. In the game, gamers can choose from a total of 3 warriors 6 characters. The main aspect of the Magna Carta 2 on its battle system will use real-time battle, and can attack at connect more than one fighter at the same time to build the overdrive gauge, which is used to perform special attacks.

8 komentar:

Mx Axrom said...

bagus mas games nya ...

lovablebeauty said...

weh gambare kok seksihhhhhhhhh heheheh ngegame ngegame kang den

Fida Salma said...

kunjungan ke 2 dan sangat menyenangkan bertemu dengan blog anda, silahkan koemntar balik kemudian bertukar link he he heh

RifkyMedia™ said...

Mantabbb gan!

admin said...

thx for review this game, Great game

Anonymous said...

itu game apa game-x mas,,??keren euy,,mampir juga dan beri komentar juga ya di gubuk aku mas,,dan sapapun yang ada disini,,mampir juga ya di gubuk aku,,thanks

lover motorcycle said...

nice post friend,,please ,, i hope u send comment in my blog ,,thanks,,im waiting friends

Andritea idaman said... na kang..

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